Friday, September 28, 2007
League of Gentlemen
Seems I am no longer allowed to post on John Quiggin's blog. This is a pity since this is the best blog site in Australia. What started it all was this egregious post from one Mugwump ( and a previous post of mine refers to a the same thread , different poster Bingo Bango Boingo or Mug Jnr)
Here it is the offending paragraph in all it's gory glory.
"Government responsibility for provision of services is more devolved here, so while you do typically have 3 levels of tax-raising governments (just like Australia by the way - you seem to have forgotten about local councils), the lowest level (usually the county) provides far more of the services at the local level, such as schooling, water. For example, my county takes in $1 billion in annual revenues and spend $500 million of it on the local schools. That makes the schools and other local services more responsive to local interest and less prone to capture by special interests (such as teacher unions pushing boneheaded lefty curricula).
Most counties in the US are very pro-development. They understand where the money comes from - the wealth creators - so there is a lot of effort put into attracting wealth creators."
If you are going to be tendentious at least post references to the level of Wikipedia. However I think the intention of this missive is propagandist.
Mug then goes on to say how good the American health system is . Pity he couldn't just refer to Wikipedia or even just see "Sicko" both of which aren't so sanguine about it. Personal anecdote doesn't cut it on teh Intertoobs.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Clichepedia or is that Clichetedia
Bingo Bango Boingo Says:
September 25th, 2007 at 4:27 pm
It’s one thing to detract from liberty by appropriating funds from the citizenry and spending it on ‘free’ (!) government-chosen goods and services (and he cases where this is justified are few and far between, and certainly do not extend to things easily provided by the citizenry themselves (eg. health and education)). It is quite another to engage in broad-based wealth redistribution. That is much easier to justify, since it is a slighter impingment on freedom and retains the benefits of free(r) markets (innovation, responsiveness, etc. as mugwump has aluded to). In reality, the ones who do best from the freeing up of relevant product and service markets are the previously marginalised whose opportunities are held by back by inefficient and/or low-quality government services (this is particularly the case with education).
This is a field day for lovers of fine illogic.
Is Mandela the New Plastic Turkey
As if Blair doesn't believe that if you think it feels good then it is true.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Grace Pettigrew gets Plastic Turkeyed
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
More Blair propaganda about Don Bradman
All this would be of little significance except for Joe Hockey's unfortunate metaphor.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
The Atheist Manifesto
There are not many simple graphics demonstrating how the InterToobs actually work but here's one from Andrea GiaCobbe.
Monday, September 10, 2007
The Oxymoron of Secret Intelligence
Monkeys taken to Iraq for Training
Friday, September 07, 2007
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Why is Perth Airport the worst in Australia
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Why is the West Australian Airports Corporation ( a bunch of greedy thieving bastards) responsible for the most hopeless airport in Australia. What process of political corruption lead to these thieving bastards being in charge of a major piece of infrastructure? ( To put it in lying rodent terms).
Major achievements of WAC(ky)
1. The destruction of a nice piece of bushland.
2. Allowing a brickworks without environmental checks . ( Don't bullshit about it).
3. An airport that is in chaos with traffic jams. Don't forget to get to the airport early.
These shits are laughing all the way to the bank. I need assistance to get the history of how this happened.